You have paid with MultiCall and still have questions? 

In this section you will find a summary of frequently asked questions. If you still encounter problems, please do not hesitate to contact our support.

Frequently asked questions by customers

You paid with Multicall and have questions? In this section you will find a summary of frequently asked questions. If you still have questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact our support.

Payment by MultiCall is uniquely simple and secure. To start the payment process, please dial the phone number displayed on the MultiCall payment window. You will then be asked to complete the payment process by entering a PIN code.

After a successful payment process you will be shown this directly on the payment window.

Usually you will receive an e-mail from the provider confirming the successful purchase. If the provider configures it in the MultiCall system, you will also receive a confirmation from us.

Please call up the MultiCall payment window with your provider again. Then click on the Support button at the bottom right and follow the instructions. You will then be informed which of your payments were successful. Alternatively, you can also research your calls here (www.multicall.de).

Please contact the seller directly to cancel a payment transaction.

For the delivery of the product please contact the seller directly.

Please wait a moment and then try again. If there are still problems, please send an e-mail to support@multicall.de and describe the situation as precisely as possible. You will usually receive a response within one working day.

Please make sure that you are activated for the use of value-added numbers with your telephone provider. If you still cannot pay despite being activated, one of the following two reasons is usually responsible: The limits and security measures configured by the provider do not currently allow payment. In the past, you have cancelled a payment transaction without consulting the relevant provider.